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Independent Oil & Gas Service, Inc.

Scouting Oilfield Activity in Kansas since 1946

The Independent Oil & Gas Service, Inc. (IOGsi) is a major, proven source of reliable information when it comes to reporting on the latest oil and gas news in Kansas. Your access to timely, reliable, concise information is a key component in your decision making process. 

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  IOGsi WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS: July 25, 2024  

  • A total of 33 new oil and gas drilling permits were issued in Kansas this past week by the KANSAS CORPORATION COMMISSION (KCC). This brings the total number of new permits this year to 570, reflecting 174 less permits than was reported in the same period year ago (-21.6%). A breakdown of all new locations this year shows 320 permits were issued in the Eastern Ranges of the State (56.1%) and 250 permits in the Western Ranges (43.9%).

  • There have been 636 wells drilled in Kansas in 2024 (oil, gas, disposal, water supply or injection) compared with 806 wells drilled during the same period last year (-26.7%). Sixty-three wildcat wells have been drilled so far this year, which represents nearly 9.9% of the total number of wells spudded. This is 25 less wildcat wells compared with the same period a year ago (-28.5%). Kansas drilling activity continues to be slow but steady. Overall, activity in the Kansas oil patch is down about 25.1% compared with same period a year ago.

  • For additional News, go to “WEEKLY NEWS” on home page for more highlights and other news and announcements. 


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KS Common (CVR): $68.50 bbl

OK Sweet (CVR): $74.75 bbl

WTI (NYMEX): $78.28 bbl 

Posted price as of 7/25/2024


Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co. (MMBtu)                      JUL: $1.99 (+21%)            JUN: $1.64 (+37%)             MAY: $1.20 (-7%)

Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline (MMBtu)            JUL: $1.97 (+19%)            JUN: $1.66 (+37%)           MAY: $1.21 (-5%)


Oil - Past 2 Years
Gas Price History


Current: 27
Week ago: 26 (+4%) 
Month ago: 28 (-4%)
Year ago: 39 (-31%)

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Independent Oil & Gas Service, Inc. (IOGsi) is a BBB Accredited Oil Report in Wichita, KS

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