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IOGsi WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS: October 3, 2024
The KANSAS CORPORATION COMMISSION (KCC) issued 16 new oil and gas drilling permits in Kansas this past week. This brings the total number of new permits-to-drill this year to 813, reflecting 140 fewer permits than was reported in the same period a year ago (-14.7 %). This year, a breakdown of all new locations shows that 478 permits were issued in the Eastern Ranges of the State (58.8%) and 335 permits in the Western Ranges (41.2%).
There have been 910 wells drilled in Kansas in 2024 (oil, gas, disposal, water supply, or injection) compared with 1,058 wells drilled during the same period last year (-14.0%). Ninety-six wildcat wells have been drilled this year, representing nearly 10.5% of the total wells spudded. Twenty-four fewer wildcat wells have been drilled than a year ago (-20.0%). Kansas drilling activity continues to be steady. Overall, activity in the Kansas oil patch is down about 19% compared to a year ago.
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